
Showing posts from April, 2018

My Journey Towards Inclusiveness

My name is Ryan O.J.L. What prompted me to start this blog to raise awareness of inclusiveness is none other than this gentleman on my left pictured above. His name is Mr Maximillian Tan, he is a para-equestrian A little article about him can be found on the link : On a personal note, what inspires me is his tenacity towards life at the same time initiated my passion towards inclusiveness. What is inclusiveness: Every single student, no matter what is the current state ( physical state or cognitive state) shall be treated equally as a normal student in a single stream of education with no segregation of streams based on abilities. I was tasked with organizing my school's Paralympic games in conjunction with our annual Sports Fiesta for the very first time in history. As an old boy from our school, Mr Maximillian Tan was invited as Guest of Honour to inaugurate this milestone significant in ou...